Keynotes & Master Classes

As a Silicon Valley native and global business leader, Jennifer’s keynotes, master classes and workshops deliver bold insights on AI, future of work, leadership and technology.  Her real-world experience, proven PEACE™ methodology, examples and actionable takeaways are guaranteed to deliver success today into the future.

Keynotes & Master Classes

As a Silicon Valley native and global business leader, Jennifer’s keynotes, master classes and workshops deliver bold insights on AI, future of work, leadership and technology. Her real-world experience, proven PEACE™ methodology, examples and actionable takeaways are guaranteed to deliver success today into the future.

Watch Showreel
“Jennifer was a 10 out of 10-easy to work with, highly professional and out of this world on stage – kept everyone on edge of seats”.
Andreas Ljones, CEO FlowEvents
“Jennifer really nailed it – giving us ALL the inspiration and tools needed to change. It has paid off 1000%”.
Guro Becker, COO Mercell
“Best speech ever– audience left fully committed to take action.”
Darren Malvec, DNA Brand Architects
See examples of Jennifer’s speaking style
“Jennifer was a 10 out of 10-easy to work with, highly professional and out of this world on stage – kept everyone on edge of seats”.
Andreas Ljones, CEO FlowEvents
“Jennifer really nailed it – giving us ALL the inspiration and tools needed to change. It has paid off 1000%”.
Guro Becker, COO Mercell
“Best speech ever– audience left fully committed to take action.”
Darren Malvec, DNA Brand Architects

See Jennifer in Action

Common Topics on which Jennifer Speaks

Seeking inspiration plus actionable takeaways for future success?

Gain Silicon Valley insights, real-world transformation lessons and actionable takeaways built into all keynotes, master classes and workshops such as:

AI-Powered Success – WITH People

Artificial intelligence and its impact on society is accelerating at quantum speed. Jennifer Vessels’ Silicon Valley insider insights and practical examples from global leaders demystify AI and inspire use of AI to deliver exponentially greater results. Her bold view on the importance of people in an AI-powered world will empower all to use proven guidelines to co-create the organization of the future with PEACE (Purpose, Exploration, Action, Collaboration, Empowerment) her proven framework for change.

All leave with:

  • Commitment to explore AI as a tool for future-ready success
  • Confidence in their role and future of people with AI
  • Practical techniques and guidelines for safe and successful use of AI
  • Proven framework for adapting work, activities, habits in a rapidly changing world

Change is the Only Constant

Technology, competition, geopolitical and generational shifts are happening at quantum speed. This keynote will enlighten, inspire and challenge all to embrace change, overcome fear and move forward in new ways with PEACE (Purpose, Exploration, Action, Collaboration, Empowerment).

Audience members will leave with:

  • Excitement about the future
  • Confidence and tools they can use to shift mindset, explore new approaches and succeed
  • Proven approaches they can use with colleagues, customers, partners to accelerate innovation
  • Framework to navigate through change with PEACE

Future-ready Leadership: Keys to Navigating through Change – Powered AI

Business as usual is no longer an option. Rapidly changing market needs are redefining work, leadership, markets and your competitors. It’s time to act.  Leaders and their teams will leave this session prepared to shift mindset, embrace change, explore ways AI / technology can enhance their business and succeed today – into the future.

People will gain:

  • Inspiration to think differently, lead in new human-centric ways
  • Techniques for leverage of AI / technology AND people to accelerate results
  • Frameworks for change and technology utilization used by other global leaders
  • Proven methodology for success with PEACE

Future of Work, Education and Society Powered by Technology (AI, VR, Robotics, Web3, Quantum)

Technology is dramatically changing society, work and life. People are pressured to adapt, disrupt or face career death.  Forward thinking leaders are harnessing advanced technology to drive growth.  Yet, for many, it can be scary.  Learn how 25+ global corporations are successfully selecting, implementing and benefiting from advanced technology – while increasing engagement and future success of their people.

Audiences leave with:

  • Proven techniques they can use organization-wide to successfully identify, select and adopt AI and other technology
  • Inspiration to responsibly embrace new technology with PEACE
  • Tools and commitment to succeed with advanced technology

Humans vs Machines:  Role of People in AI/Technology-Driven Society

“Automation and AI will be the end of jobs and society” stated by Stephen Hawkings in 2016. Steve Jobs countered “Technology is nothing compared to people. If you give smart people with good intentions advanced tools, they’ll create a better future”.

This keynote shows how technology AND people can co-create a better future. It includes practical techniques people can use to safely explore AI, build the skills for tomorrow’s success and avoid disruption.

Audiences leave with:

  • Inspiration to explore and utilize AI to gain measurable results
  • Tools to safely identify, select and use AI with human ingenuity
  • Commitment to develop the skills most needed for future career success
  • Great appreciation of the skills and value of people with technology

Future of Work: Roadmap to Success with PEACE

We are at a tipping point of change – leaders (and their teams) must navigate through uncertainty, embracing technology culture, innovating and disrupting to avoid being disrupted. Jennifer’s bold views of the future of work, society and people ensure audiences leave her session committed to shift mindset, transform culture and business models. Her energy and hands-on experience leave people motivated and empowered to succeed with PEACE (Purpose, Exploration, Action, Collaboration, Empowerment).

Book Jennifer to gain:

  • Inspiration to think differently about work and their opportunities for the future
  • Commitment to co-create the future using proven frameworks for success
  • Practical steps they can follow to shift mindset, business model, culture for success
  • Actions they can take immediately to improve results with PEACE

Jennifer’s keynotes and workshops are customized to deliver the greatest impact and highly relevant takeaways. Based on client needs, she incorporates real world examples, lessons learned and actionable takeaways.  All sessions are available for delivery in person or online and can include Q&A, discussion, panel or workshops to more deeply explore the topics.

See Jennifer’s experience

Proven Methodology for Future-ready Leadership and AI Adoption with PEACE™

Successful transformation of Adobe, Autodesk, LiveNation, Novartis, and others was achieved through PEACE, a methodology Jennifer shares in her keynotes and master classes. It prepares people for success through:

PURPOSE: By aligning on common vision, future-ready leaders inspire teams to passionately achieve results celebrating quick wins along the journey

EXPLORATION: New technologies, ways of working, diversity, customer needs must be actively evaluated through trial and iteration which fuels an agile culture of innovation

ACTION: As the pace of change accelerates, leaders must act now to set direction, innovate and learn through experience (in weeks not years)

COLLABORATION: Co-creation of new solutions, processes, business models with diverse teams, customers and partners and competitors deliver –  500% increase in value

EMPOWERMENT: through purpose, trust, inclusion and engagement of teams with humane leadership lays the foundation for future success

In the Audiences’ Words

“Unlike other speakers, it is clear you are ‘living future-readiness’ its not just theory which is so refreshing.”

Mack Makode, VP Under Armour

“Jennifer’s real world experience working with AI and advanced tech plus her easy to use PEACE framework gave us just what we needed to move forward.”

Jane Fischer, The Forshini Group

“Jennifer Vessels is the best – clear, engaging, approachable –inspires action for success.”

Nancy Bundt, American Chamber Commerce

“The keynote from Jennifer was a real life-changer. It gave me the tools and confidence I needed to succeed.”

Steve Goodman, CEO, Sonics

“This was EXACTLY what we needed to inspire and equip people for future success.”

Geir Fodstad SVP Strategy, Link Mobility

“Truly best insider perspective on AI and the future – addressed all of our concerns.”

Daniel Rastransand, Nordea